A Brave New Ministry World

More than once in the last several years, I have mentioned that before Jesus returns, I believe the last two great outpourings of God’s Spirit regarding evangelism and discipleship will be in the Muslim world and in the LGBTQ+ community. Why? These groups happen to be two that create a large amount of anxiety and misunderstanding within the Christian World and visa versa.

The very thought of understanding, loving, and reaching individuals in these categories brings a great amount of stress as how best go about the task of sharing Jesus. God has created all people and is calling them to himself, regardless of what they believe and how they live. Whether or not we want to accept it, folks in these communities are our neighbors also created in God’s image. In our case and perhaps in yours, they may even be family members, making reaching them even more difficult. It need not be so. God desires that we figure this out as 2 Peter 3:9 reminds us He is not wishing any should perish but that all should reach repentance. Our Good and Loving God would not send us out unequipped to do the work He is calling us to.

If anyone knew difficult situations in which evangelism must take place, it was the Apostle Paul. He reminds all believers we are not lacking in any of the spiritual gifts- natural and supernatural- as we await Jesus’ return (1 Corinthians 1:7).  Yes, the Holy Spirit instructs us and brings conviction, but he also empowers and equips believers for the work of the ministry. His power is at work within us for His glory (Ephesians 3:20-21). In even the most difficult mission field, we must go out not with guns blazing from Bible bullets but in humility, wisdom and with the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control- Galatians 5:22-23). It’s much better than going out in our own ego, self-developed strengths, and carefully devised strategies!

There are also practical matters for ministry in this field and fruit that endures.

When we go into Asia on our mission trips, we learn that effective and lasting ministry there requires a fully Biblical yet very strategic approach. We take time to learn the history and culture of the people we are working to reach. Different groups have different languages, values, needs, spiritual understanding, and ways of living, so we must understand how to communicate and minister in a manner that means something to them. These distinctives also apply to the LGBTQ+ world. Understanding must be our starting point as we share Biblical truth. This involves listening well and asking good questions with love and respect. If we don’t begin there, we might as well be speaking a language our new friends will not understand.

Thankfully as we labor for God in this brave new world, we have a new tool at our disposal- a very useful book. Author Dr. Christopher Yuan has written a compelling and fully Biblically focused work on the subject: Holy Sexuality and the Gospel: Sex, Desire, and Relationships Shaped by God's Grand Story. His theology is solid and his principles of approaching others applies in all situations. But it is his personal story, told in a sensitive and unexplicit manner, that he uses as a primary example. Dr. Yuan once identified as a gay man. It was the love, care, and fully Biblical approach of others that led him to now identify as a Christ-follower. Importantly, his story and methods are written in such a way that your teenager can read it, understand it, and discuss it with you without embarrassment or fear. They need this tool! They live in this world in an entirely different way than we adults do.

So, read Dr. Yuan's book. But be prepared to be challenged… and prepare to be used, blessed, and to bring glory to our God!